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Colds, flu and all in between



From runny nose to sore throat, chills, fever, cough, body aches and exhaustion. These are some of the symptoms people experience from viral and bacterial infections that thrive over the autumn/winter season. The body quickly focuses a lot of its energy on getting you well again.

The illnesses cause inflammation of a particular part of the body (anything ending -itis) and can combine, change and develop from one to another.


Prevention is easier than cure they say, so boost your immune system through immune boost concoctions, connection to the autumn, handwashing and vitamins-rich foods.

Vit D - oily fish, red meat, liver, egg yolk, dairy, mushrooms and of course sun

Zinc - pumpkin seeds, crab, oysters, lamb, beef, almonds, oats, chickpeas,

Vit C - blackcurrants, kiwi, red pepper, guava, green pepper, strawberries, papaya, orange, broccoli (raw)

Conventional treatment

Over-the-counter symptomatic relief in a form of painkillers, decongestants and medication to relieve fever. In some instances antibiotics or steroids, depending on the severity and what bug causes the infection in the first place.

Helping recovery

So it may happen that no matter what you do, you may still get ill. Here are some tips that may help your recovery.

  • Rest, rest, rest! Take time off to give your body a chance to can focus purely on fighting the bugs off. You may initially feel worse but often recover quicker than when you are trying to keep up with work (including working from bed).

  • Sweat it out - warm bath with Epsom salts, a cup of warm tea or ginger, lemon, honey concoction, PJs, (paracetamol) and a hot water bottle, make yourself into a little bed burrito and sweat, sweat, sweat!

  • Diffuse some essential oils such as ravintsara, eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree and peppermint

  • Air out your room from time to time to clear the bugs out

  • Avoid sugar and mucus forming and congesting foods such as excess dairy and fat

  • Make yourself a good rich broth ( bones + meat or dark leafy veg) with ginger, scallions, garlic and spices to boost your overall energy

  • Process the frustration of feeling ill and start focusing on what can you do to start feeling better and recover

  • Support your lymphatic system through head-draining self-massage

  • Once you are out and about again, get some acupuncture to boost your energy and support recovery (please do not attend when in the middle of illness)

If you are unwell and your condition is getting worse or you've had a continuous cough for 6 weeks, contact your GP or NHS 111.

Keep well, ​


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